Project Name: Public Relations, Communications and Branding Campaign
Dates: October 2023-current
Goals: Eaton County, Michigan, selected Edge through competitive bid to develop a comprehensive strategy and communications structure to increase the County’s capacity to communicate internally with employees and externally with the public. The County’s goal is to empower its organization through the use of effective communication channels and methods to achieve both short-term and long-term objectives to communicate directly with County residents, employees and community stakeholders.
Outcomes: Edge created and implemented a comprehensive communications and PR strategy that included strategies and tactics to best reach the County’s targeted audiences. Key messages, positive earned media, and robust internal communications were initiated within 30 days of the partnership for highest impact. In addition, a complete rebrand of the County’s logo and branded assets was completed within 60 days which showcased the County’s rich socio-economic diversity. Other significant deliverables included internal and external newsletters, communications strategies for various County initiatives, and development of a landing page for a County tax limitation proposal. Earned media on a variety of issues – county milestones, Sheriff’s Office reports and resident-focused news – generated more than 50 reports throughout the year on various media platforms.