Project Name: Communications and Public Relations Strategy
Dates: January 2020 – Current
Goals: HPSD turned to the communication and design experts at Edge to positively position the district that sits in the shadow of Detroit Public Schools.
Outcomes: Edge strategists immediately implemented a 30-day action plan that included messaging, audience identification and segmentation, strategies, tactics and an aggressive implementation timeline. The top three objectives were to create a positive perception, increase community involvement and generate positive media coverage.
With this strategy declining enrollments stopped. Metrics for success, included a growth in social media followers by 53% and earned media placements reaching more than 1.5 million residents at a value of over $38,000. For the fall 2020 enrollment campaign, amid the COVID pandemic, Edge maximized a modest $20,000 budget that resulted in 1,900 clicks from social media and a 37% increase in enrollment form fills.